About Arjun Sachdev

Arjun Sachdev: How The Improvement Terminal came into existence?

Arjun Sachdev: This website The Improvement Terminal was an idea that developed in my mind when I read Mark Manson’s classic “The subtle art of not giving a fuck“. When I was reading the book, one phrase just hit me which said

      We are never right. We certainly are less wrong from the previous time”

and I started thinking, it is actually right. Our lives are improving every day, look around and see examples we were using telephones and then cell phones and now smartphones.

Similarly, from bullock-carts to the never-ending improved technology of vehicles.

The one phase we actually are lacking is personality. Our surrounding things are improving but we humans are stagnant or just deteriorating on the personality side.

So to initiate and encourage people to improve their personality and finances, this blog was started.

You must be thinking Okay. But Arjun Sachdev Why name it “The Improvement Terminal

Arjun Sachdev Quora Journey

Home FAQ

A name invented as reverse psychology and sarcasm to show people that there is no end or terminal to improvement
The Improvement Terminal posts blogs and interviews so that you get inspired by the millennials and youth who are grinding hard to make their life better.
The Improvement Terminal is all about serving you with the best possible content on self-improvement and personal finance.

Why such a name “The Improvement Terminal“?

Reading the above-mentioned point I came to a realization where I understood that Improvement cannot have a terminal because the terminal is a  point where something ends, the happy realization was there shouldn’t be a stop for improvement. Improvement is a continuous process.

Every time we improve we move towards perfection but we never reach there because perfection is an illusion

So to overcome the limit the belief of a terminal for Improvement, I named this blog as “The Improvement Terminal’ where improvement is not limited.


Something about Arjun Sachdev

Arjun Sachdev is a Petroleum Engineer by profession, a reader and writer by passion. He started writing on the social media question and answer platform Quora. A passion for writing and the need for personality development in India motivated him to start this blog. The idea of starting this blog came to his mind when he became aware of the fact that there is a lack of financial literacy and self-improvement, especially in India.

Arjun Sachdev Quora Journey has taught him a lot of things. He has become more mature working on his passion for writing.

Arjun Sachdev Quora Journey has made him realized that writing and providing value is what connects you to the people.

To connect to more and more people and, also on a mission to make India the best in financial literacy and self-improvement, this blog is present in front of you.

My mentor used to tell me “Your true value is determined by how much more in value you give than you are actually paid for

The above line has become my motto “Give more in value than you are actually paid for

Arjun Sachdev


Why believe me?

Arjun Sachdev: I am very grateful that I got the opportunity to attend courses from the Dale Carnegie Institute through my company. I am a great fan of Mr Dale Caregie because of his book “How to win friends and influence people“.

I have done many paid courses and read various books to re-discover myself and trying to bring the best out of myself. I want to share the knowledge which I have got so that I can help you bring out your hidden potential.

Once you start “nobody can stop you from being the best you” is the motto I abide by.

I am aware of the fact of India having a majority of people from the middle class and poor class backgrounds. But one thing I want to clarify is that you have to take control of your life in your hands.

You have to start to educate yourself with financial management, personal finance and develop your personality to make your life better.

I am doing the same thing started learning about it and moved forward to make myself financially literate so I want your help to make my mission a huge success by you coming forward to help yourself.

Hurry up and Don’t miss out on the great opportunity to become the best you– start reading my article on mindset to kill your limiting believes

How The Improvement Terminal adds Value

Above all at The Improvement Terminal, we try to provide valuable content. With the help of great ideas from books and inspiring interviews of Millenials. From people trying to hustle hard and prove it to the world that they have the fire inside them to achieve what they desire

I, Arjun Sachdev with The Improvement Terminal is focused on teaching you how to improve your finances through financial literacy. Also, improving your personality through the various books I have read and the courses I have done.

Interview with Rohit Kashyap made me realize that “Age is just a number and maturity has no link with age” and Interview with Dipanshu Rawal revealed to me “Forgiveness is the thing we should have inside us

The Improvement Terminal is a learning platform and Arjun Sachdev is also a part of the process. I am also learning and sharing with you some great ideas which I think would also help you.

Just read out the interview of Rohit Kashyap and you will find out, how an individual can grow when he focuses on improving himself. I was shocked to see an 18-year-old answering question like that. Read this and you will be amazed too.

At The Improvement Terminal, I try to focus on learning from the people who have achieved what I desire, and thus on the way I try to bring the piece of content which provides value to you.

There are some quotes on failure which I want to share with you

“The formula to success is double the rate of failure”

Failures are great teachers but it does not mean, it should belong to us. We can learn from other people’s failures and how did they overcome those failures and that’s why I emphasize reading books. I always believe in sharing knowledge and learning from other people’s failures.

Wisdom is spread in the pages of books. Books help you connect with the greatest minds that have accomplished something in life. They reveal to you how great people have made things possible.

See when an author writes a book he/she pens down all the experiences, knowledge, skills and strategies of their life the mistakes they committed in their life, what were the failures or temporary defeats they faced, how did they fight their struggles and how they came of out of it and made their lives successful.

And all these above things over an extended period of many years of the author’s which can be 10 years, 20, 30 or maybe 40 years which is transferred in a small book of maybe 200,300 or 400 pages.

Years of experience gathered in a single book that you can read in a few hours. Galileo was aware of the power of books reading and once said that “A reader lives a thousand lives

Something to testify

When a writer reads all the appreciation and praising comments that’s all that he wants in life. A writer believes in providing value from his content and when people appreciate what he wrote, it is worth more than what he can earn in his lifetime. You are aware of the fact that whatever you are doing is making people’s lives better.

Getting overwhelming comments on blog posts is a different thing but what’s more important is the value you give out through the content you provide.

You can’t get away when you have this kind of response, and these are just a few there are many but I won’t bore you with the praises I get, but in case you wanna check out the blog post where I received such comments. Click here

Arjun Sachdev Basic Book Recommendations

On Mindset

Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

Mindset by Carol Dweck

On Developing People skills

How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

On Acquiring Wealth and Getting Financially Free

The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco

On how the world helps you achieve things 

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

On how to deal with changes

Who moved my cheese by Spencer Johnson

For Time Management

Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy

If you want to read some more books please click here

Arjun Sachdev favorite quotes

  1. And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it
  2. There is nothing you can think and can’t achieve
  3. The formula to success is double the rate of failure
  4. The greatest mistake a person can make is to be afraid of getting one
  5. Vision is the art of seeing things invisible to others
  6. No problem is bigger than the human mind.
  7. You are the average of the five people who closely deal with.
  8. You become what you think about most of the time.
  9. Adversity brings out our hidden potential

To read my best post appreciated by a lot of people with great comments click here

To know more about me as a person follow me on Quora and Instagram


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